In English this week, you're going to be creating your own picture books "inspired by" the mentor texts we've read in class.
Choose one of the following books to inspire you:
The Quiet Book by Deborah Underwood, illustrated by Renata Liwska
Take your inspiration from Deborah Underwood's The Quiet Book and make your own LOUD BOOK!
Subway Story by Julia Sarcone-Roach
Take your inspiration from this story by personifying a non-human, non-living object and telling its story
Is Your Buffalo Ready for Kindergarten? and
Teach Your Buffalo to Play Drums by Audrey Vernick, illustrated by Daniel Jennewein
Take your inspiration from these books by writing your own
Is Your ________ Ready for ________? or
Teach Your _________ to _________
This assignment is due before Thanksgiving break (meaning, if you're not going to be in school the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, you need to turn it in on Tuesday!)
You need to create a story board before you start creating your final picture book and you also need to turn in the grading sheet with your final project.