In your journal, try a few of these thesis statement stem sentences out with your own topic. Then choose the one you like best and turn it in to me on an index card or the handout I gave you in class. Underline the stems. Feel free to change up any of the stems to fit your topic.
1. _______ had a huge/small effect on the outcome of ___________________.
2. ____________________was/was not an important cause of ________________.
3. _________ was/was not a good leader before/during/after _________________.
4. Without _______________________, we would not have ____________.
5. ________________________ was a difficult point during __________________.
6. ________________________ was a hero of ___________________________.
7. ______________ changed between __________________ and ____________.
8. _____________________ is an important idea in ________________________.
9. ______________ needed _______________ in order to __________________.
10.________________________ has an interesting history.
11.There were several stages in the _______________ of __________________.
12.____________________ caused many problems for _____________________.
13.A huge challenge for ____________________ was ______________________.Source: