Saturday, October 31, 2015

NaNoWriMo: Exit Slips

Here are the links for your daily exit slips:

Week 4, E Hour

Week 4, F Hour

Week 4, H Hour


Week 3, E Hour

Week 3, F Hour

Week 3, H Hour


 Week 2, E Hour

Week 2, F Hour

Week 2, H Hour


Week 1, E Hour

Week 1, F Hour

Week 1, H Hour

NaNoWriMo: Word Count Calculator

Chris Baty, the original creator of NaNoWriMo frequently talks about the importance of low expectations when writing a novel for the first time.

Here are some of his thoughts:

"Novels are simply too long and complex to nail on the first go-around."

"Exuberant imperfection... helps you tolerate the drivel that greases the wheels of genius." 

10,000 words in 30 days equates to 333 words a day (including weekends). So this is what your daily word count will look like:

Day 1: 333 words
Day 2: 666 words
Day 3: 999 words
Day 4: 1,332 words
Day 5: 1,665 words
Day 6: 1, 998 words
Day 7: 2, 331 words
Day 8: 2,664 words
Day 9: 2,997 words
Day 10: 3,330 words
Day 11: 3,663 words
Day 12: 3,996 words
Day 13: 4, 329 words
Day 14: 4, 662 words
Day 15: 4, 995 words
Day 16: 5, 328 words
Day 17: 5, 661 words
Day 18: 5, 994 words
Day 19: 6, 327 words
Day 20: 6, 660 words
Day 21: 6, 993 words
Day 22: 7, 326 words
Day 23: 7, 659 words
Day 24: 7, 992 words
Day 25: 8, 325 words
Day 26: 8, 658 words
Day 27: 8, 991 words
Day 28: 9, 324 words
Day 29: 9, 657 words
Day 30: 10,000 words

You will not be graded on whether or not you achieve your goal but how productive you are with your time at school and at home. As you may have noticed, this is something you will have to work on at home as well as at school if you want to make your 10,000 word goal. Even if you don't have a computer, you can always write scenes in your writer's notebook and then copy them into your Google Drive file when you get to school the next day.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

A Classroom Prayer for 8th Grade English

After reading all of the prayers you created in your writers' notebooks and adding the wisdom of Tom Stoppard, here is what I came up with for our class prayer:

Dear Lord,

Your Word is sacred and all words are sacred when we use them for good. Words deserve our respect because if you get the right ones in the right order, you can nudge the world a little. May we nudge the world in ways that show courage and compassion, that help us make right choices, and that bring us together in the spirit of encouragement and respect for our classmates, our community, and the world. 
