Friday, September 23, 2011

Literature Extra Credit Opportunity

We talked in class today about two extra credit opportunities for literature.

Way #1
Write more than 6 letters per quarter in your literature journal
This is a fairly easy, straightforward way of boosting your grade: go above and beyond the minimum requirement. Write over six quality letters to classmates or to me and you'll earn one point per extra letter you write.

Way #2
Sign up for and maintain a Goodreads account
Goodreads is one of my favorite Internet websites. It allows you to keep track of the books you've read and the books you want to read. This can be a big help for you this year given your twenty book requirement. In order to earn your extra credit, you must consistently update your account - not just sign up for it and forget about it. Be sure to "friend" me too once you've signed up so I can keep track of your activity and therefore give you your extra credit.

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