Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What is Poetry?

In class we discussed the ambiguity of poetry in terms of how it’s defined. As we explore this genre, we will continue to return to the question, “What is poetry?”

To show you how varied and diverse poetry is, I thought I’d share with you a mélange of different poetry definitions from poets themselves.

Your task is to choose one definition that you are drawn to and complete the following procedure:
1) Write the entire definition and the author – 5 points
2) Explain why you chose this definition (e.g. what do you like about it? What caught your eye? Did you choose this one because you disagree with it? Why?) – 5 points
3) Write a paragraph explaining what you think this definition means. – 10 points
4) To make sure this doesn’t just become an assignment that you all come on here to complete without actually reading others’ thoughts, you will also be required to refer to a previous classmate’s post. If you’re the first commenter then you will need to come back later and add to the discussion. – 5 points

Here is the list of definitions to choose from:
“Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. “ – Kahlil Gibran

“Poetry is a mirror which makes beautiful that which is distorted.” – Percy Shelley

“Poetry is thoughts that breathe and words that burn.” – Thomas Gray

“Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” – Robert Frost

“Poetry is a literature of brushstrokes.” – Nikki Grimes

“Poetry is ordinary language raised to the nth power. Poetry is boned with ideas, nerved and blooded with emotions, all held together by the delicate, tough skin of words.” – Paul Engle

“Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.” – Edgar Allen Poe

“Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings, and making music with them.” – Dennis Gabor

“Poetry is the art of saying everything and reducing it to nothing.” – Barbara Hyett


  1. Sam M.
    "Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings, and making music with them." -Dennis Gabor
    I chose this definition because I love music and singing, so it really connected with me.

    When Dennis Gabor said this I think that he ment that you conduct a poem, you don't just take random words and slap them on a page. When he said,"Its like plucking the heartstrings" I think that he meant that you normally have a connection to poems, it doesn't have to be a direct connection, but there is a connection. That connection can sometimes make you sad or happy or even angry. And when you pluck those heartstrings in just the right combination, they create some thing magical. I think that we could all learn from poems, if you don't get it right the first time, then keep trying, and if you pluck those heartstrings just right you can make magic happen.

    1. Bea B.
      Sam, I really like this definition. I also really like why you picked this definition. I also really like your ending sentence! :)

  2. “Poetry is thoughts that breathe and words that burn.” – Thomas Gray

    I chose this definition because I somewhat disagree with it. Poetry, i guess, could be labled as thoughts, but lets be honest, do we REALLY think like that in our heads? Maybe in the olden days, but now days, not so much. It does take our thoughts to think of this words, but it isn't 'our thoughts' you know what i mean?
    I do think poetry breaths. It has to be living, vivid, ect. But the author just says it breathes and burns. But 'breaths' doesn't really explain much. What if it is a happy poem? It doesn't burn! It leaves you feeling, well, happy!

    I think this definition means that poetry should leave you thinking, or if the piece is sad, burning, as it says. The words should seem as though you had just came up with them and just flow from your brain onto the page (that's what I think he means when he says should breath).

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Vicky, you are so wrong. I think that Thomas Gray's was spot on. It makes me feel like I am reading a poem inside a definition of a poem. It is very good, and I will, from now on look at poetry that way. Go Thomas Gray! You are awesome!
      Tommy S.

    3. I think that tommy is wrong and that Thomas Gray was spot off. So HA!

    4. Victoria I agree with you on this definition.
      - Elizabeth Z.

  3. Tommy S:“Poetry is thoughts that breathe and words that burn.” – Thomas Gray

    I chose this definition because I agree with it. I think it sounds like poetry itself. The description is intresting, not in a bad way, it just seems to have the perfect words. Plus, he has a cool name. I think this definition means that poetry is fun if you find the right kind.I am a big fan of musical poetry like songs so poetry is a large range of things. Poetry is also music to books, also poetry usally has a certain rythm to it. Sometimes it has rhymes or skipping lines to let you get the words to sink in.It is good, because like we said in class today, sometimes its just an ordinary sentence. So poetry is a lot of things, but it is not a story. It has no plot, climax,or 3-D characters. So that is what I think that poetry is.

    1. BOO! I think Thomas Gray did poorly and should expained more. Not all poems are sad and burn you!

    2. No offense Tommy but that definition makes no sense to me. And vicky i totally agree. He didnt choose the right words for that. because any dumb person could thinnk THOUGHTS BREATHE AND WORDS BURN????? So my point is he should have said something more decriptive or better


    3. I don't agree with you Tommy. Like Vicky said I think he needs to be more specific. -Will H.

  4. Alice W.

    “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” – Robert Frost

    I chose this definition of poetry because Robert Frost explained poetry in the exact way I think of it. Every poet has emotions. Poems are based on emotions, whether or not the emotions are good or bad. Emotions are the thoughts the words in a poem are based off of. Like stories show feeling and depth, so can poems. Actually, poems have more anger, sadness, and joy in their hidden meanings than most novels I've ever read. And, like Sam M. said, " I think that we could all learn from poems, if you don't get it right the first time, then keep trying, and if you pluck those heartstrings just right you can make magic happen." I completely agree.

    1. I totally agree with u! Thumbs up to Alice!

    2. I think you right . I agree with you.

  5. Rosie W.
    “Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings, and making music with them.” – Dennis Gabor

    I chose this definition,1. because it sounds really cool.And,2. because it makes sense. It sounds cool. Its like the definition of a poem is a poem.I totally agree with it.
    I think this definition means to find the hardships in your life and the sad things in your heart, and make them happy, make them a song, a poem. You don't necessarily have to make them happy, but you make them sit on the paper and think about them. Figure out how those feelings make you feel.
    I agree with Vicky when she said, "The words should seem as though you had just came up with them and just flow from your brain onto the page." It makes since. It probably make something a lot more fun to read too.

  6. Bridget E.
    “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” – Robert Frost
    I chose this definition because I think poetry is mostly written on how the person feels. I think emotion has a lot to do with poetry because it shows how the person was reacting to the events that occur in their life.
    A lot of people think poetry is all happy moments but I think poetry is a mixed emotion. This quote tells me that poetry comes from how the person was feeling. I think this quote means that not every poem is about happy thoughts it is really how they are feeling inside. Poetry is a bunch of words with a lot of meanings that actually make sense.
    I think your quote had a lot of meaning to it and i think it does show how you feel when you are reading it! I think poetry is what the person feels!

  7. Bridget E.,

    I think your definition is true. Poetry is how someone feels and every poem is different (unless you plagiarize it) because each author is different! Some author might write a poem saying how horrible the winter is, and that people die and its cold and only focus on the bad side; but anthor author mught write about how wonderful the winter is, the pretty snowflakes, snowball fights, snow that glistens in your hair and such. It's the author's THOUGHTS on the topic that really makes poetry. I agree that emotion has A LOT to do with it. The author of the poem about how horrible winter is may of had a trama in the winter and they fell off their sled and into a snowbank and got beaten up by some squirrels, i don't know, but the experience provoked the emotion of winter and that's why the guy hates the winter.

  8. Mickey K. "Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words."-Robert Frost.
    I think this is the best definition because it seems that poetry is something that is something random that people make up in their head. Before now I could never put it into words. Now that I have read this quote I can put into words better. I also like the definition that Tommy chose because I think those words make sense, too.

  9. Nicole S.

    “Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.” – Edgar Allen Poe

    I like this definition of poetry because it is true! Some of the other definitions dont make sense to me but this one does.
    The definition of this sentence is that poetry rhymes and the writing is "beautiful" I mean it could be about blood and guns but the writing and the description is beautiful. But this also defines poetry because every poem is rythmical and has a pattern to it.


    1. Nicole I agree with you that poems can be about terrible things but if the description is beautiful it's a poem.

    2. Nicole i agree with your words because even if the poem is sad its matters how that person worded it happy or sad. and poetry is where you can get all of your feelings on paper
      Shawnita E.

    3. I agree with you Nicole, some of the definition did not make sense and I also think writing is beautiful. Poems also have a really pretty rhythmical and pattern and you do need that in a poem.
      ~Gigi B (swim buds!)

  10. Lauren K.
    "Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words."-Edgar Allen Poe
    I like this definition because it makes sense and isn't confusing. I also thinks it sounds good.

    I think this definition means to create beauty in normal words. You would do this by making the words have rhythm and by making the words sound beautiful. Poems don't need to be about something beautiful they just need to sound beautiful. This definitions defines that well.

    1. Maria H.
      Lauren I agree with you that this is a poem that makes sense and sounds good, but there is one thing that I disagree with you in the second paragraph. When you said, "Poems don't need to be about something beautiful they just need to sound beautiful" I didn't quite follow of what you were saying. Yes, poems don't need to be about something beautiful like the Shel Silverstein poem where that man forgets to put on his pants, but they also don't need to sound beautiful like also in the Shel Silverstein poem, it doesn't sound so beautiful when he says he forgot to put on his pants. That is more of a funny poem than a beautiful poem, so yes poems can sound beautiful, but they don't "need to sound beautiful.

    2. Maria H.
      Sorry I forgot to end quote on the last sentence!

  11. Connor H.

    "Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." -Robert Frost.
    I chose this definition of poetry because it really tells you how poetry works, and is very unique compared to the other definitions.

    I think this definition really tells you about poetry. (in my opinion) It tells you how you should write, and what path you should take. It says in the definition that your emotions go into thoughts then out into words, so it says that your emotions can become poems, and a lot of good poem have feelings or emotions. The definition really expresses that thought and creativity went into this definition. Now that I have read this definition, I can use this advise in my writing to help me while I'm writing a poem.

  12. Maria H.

    “Poetry is thoughts that breathe and words that burn.” – Thomas Gray

    I chose this definition, because it was the one that really moved me. It sounds wise and poetic so I assume that Thomas Gray is a poet that knows what he is talking about. Referring to the definition of Thomas Gray, I love when poets write pieces or explanations using big words instead of using a bunch of little words, so it sounds like a ton of information rolled in to one sentence. This makes it sound smart and interesting. I also liked it when he used such strong words like "breathe" and "burn". To me they just make the definition so.......... beautiful and romantic! hahahaha! Sorry I used such a odd word, but it's only one of the words that I can think of and you have to admit that it does kind of sound romantic.
    I think this definition means that a poem is something moving and strong that stays with you. After you read it you don't just go on to another one, you sort of stop and think of what the poet really means and what he/she is trying to say. Are they teaching you a lesson? Are they trying to make you laugh? Are they trying to impress you? You see poems are more than just rhyme or rhythm, their "thoughts that breathe and words that burn."


  13. “Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.” – Edgar Allen Poe

    I chose this definition because it is the only one that really describes what poetry is: a short story that rhymes. It also says that it shows the beauty in words because it shows that a whole bunch of words jumbled up together can really make a great story that you might love and want to read it to your children.

    I think this definition means that poetry shows rhyme and it has some sort of rhythm to it. It shows what rhyming can really do. It shows how each word in a poem can make a difference and make it a kind of outstanding literature that has a nice rhythm. To me, it’s kind of like a song. Instead of singing, you read the poem and it has a nice rhythm just like a song does. And as Lauren K. said, “Poems don’t need to be beautiful; they just need to sound beautiful.”

    Christian D.

  14. “shawnita E.
    Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. “ – Kahlil Gibran.
    I choose this definition because it speaks to me to me that's a definition of poetry because what this passage is saying poetry has all of these things joy pain and wonder because every poem has it's own emotion no matter what the poem is about.
    this def. of poetry is a recipe of what poetry is all about and i think this is what Kahlil Gibran is trying to say.because this is poetry emotion pain and wonder

    1. I agree because if a poet didn't make their words emotional, they would be an author.
      -Christian Egan

  15. Bea Bernard
    "Poetry is the rythmical creation of beauty in words." - Edgar Allen Poe
    I chose this because poetry really has a rythm to it, and because it makes you see words in a different way.

    This definition is exactly what I think poetry is. Poetry really makes words seem different. It's almost as if poetry makes words "pretty". This definition itself is almost like a poem, and that is what really stands out to me. Whenever I read poetry I try to find the "prettiness" in the words. I really hope that people don't think this is just another definition of poetry. I really hope that they take into thought the true meaning, that poetry is pretty and once you get used to it you learn to love it.

    1. Bea i agree with you! this is a great description of what poetry is. this description makes me think of the poems that rhyme and that have great meaning to it!

      -Julia G.

  16. “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” – Robert Frost

    I chose this definition because I thought it described what poetry to me is. The emotion that the poet feeling in words. After I read this definition I instantly knew this was what I described poetry as. In this description when I read “emotions has found its thought” it caught my eye. I feel like all poems express an emotion.

    This description means whatever the poet felt at the time he was writing the poem, he expressed on paper. This describes poetry as a meaningful thing to everybody. At least one of the poems that I have read expressed what I feel. Emotions turn into thoughts and then they turn into beautiful words combined in a stanza to form a poem. When you write poetry you have to write with different emotions just like happy, sad, excited, nervous, e.t.c. This description is exactly what I think poetry to me is.
    -Julia G.

    1. Julia you described the quote and poetry very well and I agree with you about how poetry has to have a lot of emotion. -Claire B.

  17. "Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words." -Robert Frost.
    I chose this definition because when you read poetry you feel all these different emotions and all kinds of words that can make the way you look at poetry different. This quote has moved me with its words of wisdom and it has caught my eye with its beauty.

    This definition fits poetry just right. When you write poetry you have to write with all kinds of different emotions happy, sad, excited, surprised, confused, anger, or disgust. Emotion has a lot to do with poetry because sometimes when your writing you take your emotions and write them all down on a piece of paper and it has meaning to it. Some people think poetry always has to be happy or funny but really it is a mix of many different emotions. This quote has helped me see poetry in a different way and how you can write about how your feeling. In my opinion this quote is a perfect way to describe poetry.
    -Claire B.

    1. I agree with you Claire. Poetry is almost all emotions. It's just like taking what you're feeling at that moment, and putting it down on paper. Poetry can be lots of different emotions.
      - Izzy A.

  18. "Poetry is the art of saying everything and reducing it to nothing." - Barbara Hyett
    Poetry does say a lot but only in a few words. There is a lot of meaning in poetry although some people don't know it. Sometimes it seems like those few words are like a giant essay. Poetry almost always looks like it means nothing, but every word means a lot. Sometimes poetry just looks like a bunch of random words, but they are descriptive words that help you imagine what's going on in the poem. I thought this was the perfect quote for describing poetry.
    Izzy A.

  19. Izzy A. (Adding to my response)
    I chose that poem because I agree with it. Poems do hold a lot of emotion and meaning in them, but are almost always just a few words or a short paragraph.

  20. “Poetry is a literature of brushstrokes.” – Nikki Grimes
    I choose this poem because i agree with it. Poetry is like a painting with words. Its powerful and moving. Everyone can get some thing out of it. Those are the reasons of why i chose this poem.
    -Will H.

  21. Patrick Egan-

    Poetry is a Literature of Brushstrokes- Nikki Grimes. I think this definition of poetry is a very good definition of poetry. I think that Poetry to me is a Literature of brushstrokes. I chose this definition because i think this best explains the writing of poetry. I somewhat disagree with this definition because I do not think of poetry of brushstrokes, but what the author is writing about. I think poetry is mainly about what the writer writes about. I do not think of all poetry as a brushstrokes, because i think of poetry of what the author did with that poem, and what it is about, more than any other thing related to poetry.

    1. I aghree with you on saying that this definiton very much explains poetry to me. I too chose this definition for my paragrapgh. I think it is a good definition of poetry and i enjoy it very muuch.

      Jiimy Rauh

  22. “Poetry is a literature of brushstrokes.” – Nikki Grimes
    I chose this definition because it really describes to me what poetry is all about. I think that because brushstrokes are all different and so is poetry. Poems are never the same to me. They always surprise me with different amounts of emotion and depth. They can also be funny and rhyme or they are serious and interesting. Poetry can always put an image in your mind but it can bore me sometimes.

    Jimmy R

    1. Patrick Egan-

      I agree with your response to this definition because i also think that poetry is not the same, when you read different poems, it expands your thoughts about poetry. Also that poetry puts an image in your mind, i cannot think of a poem when an image has not popped into my mind as i am reading a poem.

    2. Andrew F.

      I agree with what you said about all poems are different, like brushstrokes. Another connection I can make to to that is each and every snowflake. They are all unique.

  23. Michael s

    “Poetry is thoughts that breathe and words that burn.” – Thomas Gray
    i agrees because it goes together it as he says burns together

  24. Max R.

    “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.” – Robert Frost

    I chose this one because I like it a lot and because I agree with it. Poetry, I feel, does have emotion in it, and that emotion molds into thoughts, and the thoughts come out of the words that the author of the poem writes. Those thoughts can be really short, like a sentence or two, or they can be longer, like maybe a couple sentences-almost like a paragraph.

    To me, this definition means that whatever the authors emotions are, they turn into thoughts, and those thoughts then turn into words. After the words come out onto the paper, other people can feel whatever the author felt when he/she wrote the poem.

  25. Andrew F.

    "Poetry is a literature of brushstrokes" -Nikki Grimes

    This quote really doesn't make much sense to me, but it caught my eye. I mean, the last time I checked, people didn't paint poems. Poems are often happy and colorful, like painting can be. Also, all poems are unique, like all brushstrokes. But it still seems like this person was trying to put something out there that only her and some people understand, like in an inside joke kind of way. By the way, I think Grimes seems like a pretty awful last name.

  26. “Poetry is the art of saying everything and reducing it to nothing.” – Barbara Hyett

    This definition of poetry seems accurate because poetry is thousands of ideas into just a few significant words.
    The words that the poet chooses are so important that they sometimes give more meaning that their definition. So, a few words say a lot.
    -Christian Egan

  27. “Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary. “ – Kahlil Gibran

    I think this means sometimes poetry can be fun, boring, or make the reader feel an emotion. I chose this quote because I liked that it talked about pain. Many times when I read poetry, I feel like I am in pain! I also think this means that the author writes about things he is feeling or thinking or experiencing and doesn't really worry about the grammar or rhyming, that's why it mentions the dictionary. As long as there is a feeling in the writing, it can be poetry.

    Carter M.

  28. Elizabeth Z.

    "Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of dictionary." - Kahlil Gibran

    I like this definition because, it better helps you under stand what poetry really is. How it can be funny or joyful or sad.

    I think this definition means that a poem is what the poet was feeling, either happy, sad, joyful, or wondrous.

  29. Gigi B
    “Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings, and making music with them.” – Dennis Gabor
    I picked this definition because this makes me stop and think. Also I agree with this. I personally think music is like a poem, or a poem is like music. Why? Music has so much emotion and it comes out from deep under from the bottom of your heart. I feel the same with poetry. It gives me a warm feeling, just like a song.
    I think this definition ^ means that POEMS are emotional. Different feelings represents the different strings.
    1) happiness
    2) sadness
    3) love
    And so much more!
    When you pluck at a feeling(string) you get a poem(music). Also a poem and a song are similar. The refrain of a song might have the same words but it repeats. In poems words or phrases repeat sometimes. So they both have repetition. When you read a poem all the emotion you put in it comes from deep down inside of you. Gives you a warm feeling like music. Like everything is okay.

  30. Poetry is Deal of joy And Pain and wonder With a dash of dictionary- khalil girban
    I pikes this because I think all poetry should have a deal of joy and pain and wonder .and it has a touch of the dictionary it has a little of info.this loved she explained it very good.-agata Lubanski
