Monday, April 23, 2012

Questions for Carrie Harris

Since we ran out of time in class, if you have any further questions for Carrie Harris, post them here and she will answer them for us.

You can also share some of your ideas for the Monster Prom.


  1. i'm gonna put my monster prom thing here

    Via Franke
    faerpire (faery and vampire)
    looks like a faery
    has 4 foot longs fangs that she files down
    likes jelly doughnuts

    Olivia k

  2. Andrew B.

    1. Where did your inspiration for Mike's Mom come from?
    2. Was Kate's epilepsy inspired by somebody you know (or know of), or was that just a random thing you added?
    3. Would you prefer monkeys or ice cream (or monkey ice cream)?
    4. Where did you get your zombie penguin?

    And here is my character I thought up for Monster Prom:

    Name: (Cool Name still being generated)
    Species(?): Vampire/Lizard Moster/Zombie
    Characteristics: Can grow wings on command. Immune to Garlic, but explodes at the sight of dental floss and hairspray. Can grow back missing limbs (and tails). Drinks vomit in addition to blood. Is very happy when blood and vomit mix. Since it is the descendant of two dead things and one living thing, it is 2/3 dead. Can double in an amoeba-like way.

    In our addition to Monster Prom, my monster flies into a punch bowl when the Loch Ness Unicorn misfires her deadly rainbows, and the remaining 1/3 of it dies of asphyxiation, contaminating the punch. It is now 100% dead, rather than only being 66.66666666...% dead. (I added the rest on from here) He is very happy now that he knows he gets to be a full-course dead monster like his friend the Zompire. He just has that special dead lizard deep down inside him that will haunt him because it makes him stand out, so from then on he said his green, scaly tail is from a cancer/malaria hybrid, and considered himself a medical miracle for special attention to go along with his "unknown disease."

  3. What was your favorite book as a child? If this is too personal but do you remember your teacher who gave you an F's name? -Rachel malinowski

  4. Olivia, OF COURSE your faerpire likes jelly donuts! That's brilliant! Only the red jelly, right? Thanks so much for submitting your monster. LOVE IT.

  5. Andrew: No one's ever asked me about Mike's mom before! I wrote that scene the day after I saw this guy with HUGE MONSTROUS dreadlocks, and it stuck in my head. I thought it would make a cool image for Kate to see in the hallway.

    I had a friend in college who was an epileptic. And I really wanted to give the underdog a chance to be the hero, so I wanted to stack the cards against Kate. The idea that her meds cured the virus didn't come until much later.

    Ice cream! Definitely. That bacon ice cream was some of the best I've ever had. And my aunt had a monkey once. It used to eat the batteries out of the remote control. :)

    My zombie penguin was made by the brilliant guys of! (I finally looked it up!)

    So I love how much detail you've packed into your monster! Why dental floss and hairspray? I think it's a brilliant choice, because there are a lot of really fun things that you could do with both of those things in a story. Great work!

  6. Rach: I read the covers off of a lot of different books, so depending on the year, that answer would change quite a lot! Some of my favorites included: A Wrinkle in Time, The Westing Game, The Hobbit, the Three Investigator books, and any Christopher Pike I could get my hands on. I still have a lot of my Pike books to this day. :)

    Yeah, I do remember her name. Mrs. Elrick. When my book came out, I tried to find her to send a copy, but no luck. :(
